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Histopathology refers to a method of microscopic examination by staining tissue sections. Histopathology is an examination of the biopsy to determine the origin of the tissue, whether the tissue has secondary inflammation, whether there is a tumor.

Clinically, histopathological examination is the most commonly used and is often used to confirm the disease, as the pathological examination is the gold standard of all examinations. Generally speaking, the tissue is excised for histopathological examination, which is an important basis for diagnosis.


Project name
Biopsy and diagnosis [Liver, breast, pancreas, thyroid, prostate, surface mass, etc. (except kidney biopsy) biopsy and diagnosis]
Pathological examination and diagnosis of small tissue specimens collected by endoscope
Local excise tissue biopsy examination and diagnosis [1: skin, eyelid mass, subcutaneous mass or cyst (maximum diameter less than 5cm); 2: oral, nasal and pharyngeal mucosal tissue or polyps; 3: vulva, vagina or cervical neoplasm; 4: cervical tissue or cervical curettage; 5: surface lymphangiopathy tissue; 6: ovarian or fallopian tube adjunctive mass]
Examination and Diagnosis of Surgical Specimens (Small specimens)
Examination and diagnosis of surgical specimen (medium specimen)
Whole-organ biopsy and Diagnosis (large specimen)
Renal electron microscope
Renal fluorescence
Cell mass examination and diagnosis
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