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Custom denture detection

Detection standard

  • Detection specification
Custom denture detection

Custom made dentures are a medical device product used to replace defective teeth, and more than 1 / 4 of the population over 55 years of age in our country wear dentures. Customized dentures are mainly divided into two main categories: customized fixed dentures and customized active dentures.

Custom made fixed dentures are further divided into metal teeth, PFA teeth and all ceramic teeth according to the main material and process, and can also be subdivided into different models including cobalt chromium / pure titanium cutting / casting bridges (crowns), cobalt chromium / nickel chromium / titanium PFA bridges (crowns) and zirconium dioxide cutting all ceramic bridges (crowns). The active dentures are divided into various models based on the main materials and processes, such as resin base full mouth dentures and stainless steel bent clasps, and cobalt chromium / pure titanium cast stents active dentures. In addition, there are some relatively special types of precision attachments, temporary dentures, and so on. The sunI test has the ability to detect a full range of custom denture products and provides denture testing services to a wide range of denture processing plants.


Scope of inspection:

Custom-made fixed dentureCobalt-chromium/nickel-chromium/pure titanium cast bridge, cobalt-chromium/nickel-chromium/pure titanium ceramic bridge, cobalt-chromium alloy 3D/ cobalt-chromium laser printed bridge, pure titanium/titanium alloy cutting bridge, zirconia cutting/porcelain /CADCAM bridge, lithium porcelain hot-pressed bridge/lithium disilicate ceramic bridge and other types of fixed denture products
Custom-made removable dentureCobalt-chromium/nickel-chromium/titanium alloy cast/curved clasps removable denture, cobalt-chromium/titanium complete denture, complete denture with resin base and other types of removable denture products
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