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Detailed description

Passive medical device detection

Detection standard

  • Detection specification
Passive medical device detection

Passive medical device refers to the medical device that does not rely on any power source or other energy, but directly by the human body or gravity generated energy to play its function, such as medical infusion, blood transfusion, injection equipment, scalpel, gloves, gauze fat-free cotton, medical dressing, gastric tube, catheter, human implanted device such as heart stent bone joint implantation, contraceptive device, etc

Microbiology ProgramBacterial endotoxin, sterility, microbial limit, microbial cleanliness
Biological experiment projectCytotoxicity, in vitro cytotoxicity, skin irritation, skin sensitization, delayed hypersensitivity test, eye irritation test, subchronic systemic toxicity test, intradermal reaction, intradermal irritation, genotoxicity test, pyrogen, repeated exposure to systemic toxicity, local reaction test after implantation, interaction test with blood selection.
General physical and chemical projectX-ray impermeability, pH value, viscosity, UV absorbance, organic matter content (gas chromatography/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry high performance liquid chromatography/liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry), inorganic matter (ions, elements) content (atomic absorption/atomic fluorescence spectrometry) ICP method), reduced substance (easy oxide), chloride, sulfate, sulfide, dry weight loss, moisture, evaporation residue, burning residue, residual solvent, clarity, pH, total content of heavy metals, formaldehyde, ethylene oxide residue, 2-chloroethanol, turbidity, color, gel electrophoresis test, corrosion resistance, infrared identification, aging test, mechanical test, etc.
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