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Detailed description

Shear strength test

Detection standard

  • Detection specification

Where can I test apparent density? BAIJIAN Material Testing Laboratory can provide shear strength testing services. It is a third-party material testing laboratory with complete qualifications, complete testing instruments, and a scientific research team of engineers. Test reports will be issued in 7-15 working days. , supports scanning the QR code to check the authenticity, multiple laboratory branches across the country, supporting nationwide door-to-door sampling/sample delivery testing services.

Detection cycle: 7-15 working days

Testing fee: Initial inspection of samples. After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment.

Test items: interlaminar shear strength test, tensile shear strength test, compressive shear strength test, finite element Analysis, shear strength test, universal testing machine shear strength test, shear bonding strength test, transverse shear strength test, shear adhesion strength test, longitudinal and transverse shear strength test, shear fatigue strength test, etc. (For more test items, you can communicate with our laboratory engineers and give you detailed answers.)

Shear strength test range

Medical silicone, rock, stainless steel composite plate base material, adhesive, coating, masonry, silicon carbide composite material, laminated glass, adhesive, concrete, tape product joints, between layers, Metal, plastic, welding parts, fiberglass composites, tapes, pressure-sensitive adhesives, inorganic materials, steel, fiber-reinforced plastics, automobile brake shoes, rock wool boards, adhesive layers, fasteners, composite panels, aluminum profiles, chips , tile adhesive, friction pads, polyurethane, film, honeycomb core, leads, Velcro, hook and loop tape, concrete, etc.

What are the uses of the shear strength test report? What problems can it help you solve?

1. Sales report. (Sales need to provide third-party testing reports to make their products more unique, let the product data speak for themselves, and make customers more confident in the quality of their products.)

2. Industrial diagnostic report. (When encountering some thorny issues about ingredients, use third-party testing data to find the cause of the problem and solve the problem in a timely manner.)

3. Improve product quality. (Discover problems with your own products through comparison of third-party testing data, improve product problems, improve quality, and reduce production costs)

4. Use of scientific research paper data.

5. Products are used for import and export.

Shear strength test standard

GB/T 1450.1-2005 Interlaminar shear strength test of fiber reinforced plastics

GB/T 1450.2-2005 Punching shear strength test of fiber reinforced plastics

GB/T 1455 -2005 Sandwich structure or core shear performance test

GB/T 1458-2008 Mechanical property test of fiber-wound reinforced plastic ring specimen

GB/T 3903.21-2008 Footwear adhesive Shear strength before and after repeated opening and closing of the buckle test method

GB/T 4937.19-2018 Mechanical and climatic test methods for semiconductor devices Part 19: Chip shear strength

GB/T 7124-2008 Determination of tensile shear strength of adhesives

GB/T 10007-2008 Shear strength test of rigid foam plastics

GB/T 11177-1989 Inorganic adhesive sleeve compression Shear strength test

GB/T 13465.8-2009 Shear strength test of impermeable graphite adhesive

GB/T 13936-2014 Tensile bonding of vulcanized rubber and metal Determination of shear strength

GB/T 14208.4-2009 Determination of mechanical properties of textile glass fiber reinforced plastics without twist roving reinforced resin rods Part 4: Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength

GB/T 14903-1994 Test method for torsional shear strength of inorganic adhesive sockets

GB/T 17517-1998 Test method for compressive shear strength of adhesives Wood and wood

GB/T 18747.2-2002 Determination of shear strength of anaerobic adhesives

GB/T 22309-2008 Road vehicle brake lining disc brake block assembly and drum brake shoe assembly shear strength test< /p>

GB/T 26739-2011 In-plane shear strength test of road vehicle brake lining materials

GB/T 28889-2012 In-plane shear performance test of composite materials

GB/T 30969-2014 Test of short beam shear strength of polymer matrix composites

GB/T 33332-2016 Test of dynamic shear strength of adhesive tape

GB/ T 33333-2016 Test for tensile shear strength of wood adhesives

GB/T 33334-2016 Test for tensile shear strength of single lap adhesives

GB/T 34338-2017 Vacuum Mechanical properties test of fused glass for glass

GB/T 35100-2018 Determination of interlaminar shear strength by short beam method of fiber metal laminates

HB 5164-1981 Metal bonding tensile strength Shear strength test

HB 5250-1993 Shear strength test of room temperature vulcanized sealants

HB 5314-1993 Static shear strength test of anaerobic adhesives for aviation

HB 5474-1991 Shear strength of thermal spray coatings Test

HG/T 2379-2007 Graphite adhesive bonding shear strength test

HG/T 3839-2006 Plastic shear strength test

HG /T 3848-2008 Determination of shear strength of hard rubber

MH/T 6099-2013 Sealant lap shear strength test

MT/T 593.5-2011 Artificial freezing Soil physical and mechanical properties test Part 5: Triaxial shear strength test of artificial frozen soil

MT/T 797-1998 Determination of direct shear strength in geotechnical laboratory

QB/T 1093-2013 Determination of shear strength of solid wood furniture adhesive joints

QC/T 227.2-2009 Bonding shear strength test of motorcycle and moped brake pads

QJ 1634A -1996 Adhesive compression shear strength test

SY/T 0041-2012 Shear strength test of anticorrosive coating and metal bonding

WJ 745-1994 Glue compression for optical instruments Shear strength test

YS/T 485-2005 Determination of shear strength of sintered bimetallic materials

YS/T 550-2006 Determination of shear strength of metal thermal spray coatings


YS/T 1009-2014 Determination of Shear Strength of Sintered Metal Porous Materials

What are the advantages of BAIJIAN Materials Testing Laboratory?

1. Collectively owned testing institution, The qualifications are complete and the test report is scientific, fair and accurate.

2. Multiple laboratory branches are located across the country, supporting door-to-door sampling/sending samples for testing.

3. The testing cycle is short, the testing cost is low, and the experimental plan is more complete.

4. For initial inspection of samples, no testing fees will be charged during the initial inspection.

5. The test report supports scanning the QR code to check the authenticity.

BAIJIAN testing process

1. Send samples. (Communicate with engineers, submit your own testing requirements and send samples to our research institute)

2. Initial inspection samples. (After receiving the sample, conduct a preliminary inspection of the sample and formulate a detailed experimental plan)

3. Quotation. (After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment)

4. Both parties confirm, sign a confidentiality agreement, and start the experiment.

5. It takes 7-15 working days to complete the experiment.

6. Mail the test report and provide post-service.

The above is the relevant introduction to shear strength testing. If you have other testing needs, you canConsult the laboratory engineer to help you solve it.

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