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Detailed description

Haze detection

Detection standard

  • Detection specification

Which institution is better for detecting haze? BAIJIAN material testing institution can provide haze testing services. It is a high-tech enterprise and a collectively owned testing institution with complete qualifications, complete laboratory instruments and a strong scientific research team. It takes 7-15 working days. A test report is issued, and the test report supports the QR code system to check the authenticity. Multiple laboratory branches across the country support door-to-door sampling/sample delivery testing services nationwide.

Detection cycle: 7-15 working days

Testing fee: Initial inspection of samples. After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment.

Introduction to haze detection: Films made from crystalline polymers such as PE have certain haze characteristics, and amorphous polymerization Films obtained from polymers, such as PC (polycarbonate), PS and PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate), etc., have a haze of 0 and do not have haze characteristics. The amorphous polymer mixed system film has a gap between the components. When the compatibility is good and the refractive index is consistent, it will be transparent, but when the compatibility between the components is not good or the refractive index is inconsistent, it will show haze characteristics. Crystalline polymer mixed system films, if the ratio is appropriate and the resin types are matched It will have a large haze, which is much greater than that of a single-component system film, and its haze can still be well maintained at very low film thicknesses. There are two main factors that affect the haze of plastic films: one is the raw materials, such as resin category (epoxy resin testing), resin parameters and additives, etc.; the other is the processing conditions, such as different processing techniques and the same processing technique. Differences in processing conditions, etc.

Test items: Haze detection

Haze detection range

Glass Haze, plastic haze, film haze, matte film haze, low density polyethylene haze, spectacle lens haze, epoxy resin, transparent parts, arc windshield, transparent LCD screen, display film, PVB Film, electronic nameplate, light diffusion coating, etc.

What are the uses of BAIJIAN test reports? What problems can it help you solve?

1. R&D use. (Develop new products, but encounter some difficult problems during the research and development process. Use third-party testing data to find the cause of the problem, shorten the research and development cycle, and reduce research and development costs)

2. Improve product quality . (Find your own product problems through third-party testing reports, reduce production costs, and improve product quality)

3. Diagnosis of industrial problems. (Product appearsIf some abnormal situations are found, use third-party detection to find the cause of the abnormality, find and solve the problem in time, and reduce losses)

4. Sales and use. (In the process of selling products, issuing third-party testing reports makes customers more trustful in their products.)

4. Use of data from scientific research papers.

Haze Testing Standard

ASTM D1003-2013 Transparent Plastic Transmittance and Haze Test


GB/T 2410-2008 Determination of transmittance and haze of transparent plastics

GB/T 25273-2010 Determination of haze of films for liquid crystal displays (LCDs)

GB/T 30983-2014 Optical properties test of glass for photovoltaic use

SS 323 PART B1-1987 (1996) Test method for flexible plastic packaging materials Group B Optical properties Determination of transmittance and haze of transparent plastics

What are the advantages of BAIJIAN material testing laboratory?

1. A collectively owned testing institution with complete qualifications and scientific, fair and accurate test reports.

2. Multiple laboratory branches are located across the country, supporting door-to-door sampling/sending samples for testing.

3. The testing cycle is short, the testing cost is low, and the experimental plan is more complete.

4. For initial inspection of samples, no testing fees will be charged during the initial inspection.

5. The test report supports scanning the QR code to check the authenticity.

BAIJIAN testing process

1. Send samples. (Communicate with engineers, submit your own testing requirements and send samples to our research institute)

2. Initial inspection samples. (After receiving the sample, conduct a preliminary inspection of the sample and formulate a detailed experimental plan)

3. Quotation. (After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment)

4. Both parties confirm, sign a confidentiality agreement, and start the experiment.

5. It takes 7-15 working days to complete the experiment.

6. Mail the test report and provide post-service.

The above is the relevant introduction to haze detection. If you have other detection needs, you can consult the laboratory engineer to help you solve it.

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