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Detailed description

Grain size detection

Detection standard

  • Detection specification

Where can I do grain size testing? BAIJIAN Materials Testing Agency provides grain size testing services. It is a third-party material laboratory, a CMA qualification certification agency, a high-tech enterprise, a third-party analysis agency with complete testing instruments and a strong scientific research team. , mainly engaged in services such as grain size testing, macro grain size testing, low-magnification grain size testing, ultrasonic grain size testing, quenching grain size testing, average grain size testing, etc. The testing report supports the QR code system to query the true Fake, multiple laboratory branches across the country support nationwide door-to-door sampling/sample delivery testing services.

Detection cycle: 7-15 working days

Testing fee: Initial inspection of samples. After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment.

Grain size detection range

Steel grain size: steel pipe, carbon steel, alloy steel, martensite Body stainless steel, bearing steel, spring steel, quenched and tempered steel, doped nano-zinc oxide, tungsten alloy, cemented carbide, aluminum alloy, industrial pure aluminum, cast-rolled aluminum slab, etc.

Other grain sizes: cast rolled plates, diaspore, copper tubes, cast aluminum alloys, aluminum alloys, aluminum profiles, etc.

Crystal grain size testing items

Crystal grain size testing, macro grain size testing, low magnification grain size testing, ultrasonic grain size testing, quenching grain size testing, average Grain size testing, laser particle size analyzer testing, metallographic testing, ultrasonic testing, etc.

Grain size detection method

Grain size is usually evaluated by metallographic microscopy. The following are commonly used grain size detection methods

1. Transient liquid phase oxidation method: This is a method suitable for copper and its alloys. It takes advantage of the low oxidation temperature of copper, uses copper as the base metal, heats it to a high temperature, and then instantly adds a certain amount of liquid sodium carbonate solution to oxidize it and cool it quickly. The sample's grains are then observed using an optical microscope.

2. Electrolytic roughening method: This is a method suitable for steel and its alloys, gold, silver and its alloys. The surface of the sample was roughened using an electrolytic roughening agent, and then the grains of the sample were observed using an optical microscope.

3. Linear electrochemical method: This is a method suitable for stainless steel, titanium and their alloys. The sample is quickly scanned within a certain potential range, and then an optical microscope is used to observe the grains of the sample.

4. X-ray diffraction method: The experiment uses X-rays to irradiate the sample, and then measures the diffraction spectrum of the sample. Based on this spectrum, the size of the grains is analyzed.

In addition to the above methods, there are some other methods, such as scanning electron microscopy and laser particle size analyzer.

What are the uses of BAIJIAN third-party testing reports? What problems can it help you solve?

1. Sales report. (Sales need to provide third-party testing reports to make their products more unique, let the product data speak for themselves, and make customers more confident in the quality of their products.)

2. Industrial diagnostic report. (When encountering some difficult problems about ingredients, use third-party testing data to find the cause of the problem and solve the problem in a timely manner.)

3. Product performance improvement. (Discover problems with your own products through comparison of third-party testing data, improve product problems, improve quality, and reduce production costs)

4. Use of scientific research paper data.

5. Products are used for import and export.

6. Product development and use. (Want to develop new products and shorten the R&D cycle and R&D costs)

Granular size detection standard

AS 1733-1976 Test method for crystal grain size of metals

DIN EN ISO 643-2003 Micrometallographic determination of apparent grain size of steel

DIN EN ISO 2624-1995 Copper and Copper alloy. Estimation of average grain size

GB/T 4197-1984 Test method for grain size of sintered billets and rods of tungsten, molybdenum and their alloys

GB/T 4335 -2013 Method for determination of ferrite grain size of low carbon steel cold-rolled sheets

GB/T 6394-2017 Method for determination of average grain size of metals

GB/T 14999.7-2010 High temperature Method for determination of grain size, primary dendrite spacing and microporosity of alloy castings

GB/T 24177-2009 Characterization and determination method of dual grain size

GB/T 36165-2018 Determination of average grain size of metals Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) method

GOST 5639-1982 Method for inspection and determination of grain size of steels and alloys

GOST 21073.0-1975 Non-ferrous metal crystals General requirements for determination of particle size

GOST 21073.1-1975 Determination of grain size of non-ferrous metals. Method for comparison of microstructure grade tables

GOST 21073.2-1975 Determination of grain size of non-ferrous metals (Grain calculation method)

GOST 21073.3-1975 Determination of grain size of non-ferrous metals (Grain cross-section calculation method)

HB 20057-2011 Grain size evaluation method of cast high-temperature alloys

JB/T 7946.4-2017 Metallography of cast aluminum alloys Part 4: Grain size of cast aluminum-copper alloys

JIS G0551-2005 Test method for austenite grain size in steel

JIS H0501-1986 Test method for grain size of copper and copper alloy rolled products

NF A04-102-2003 Measurement of ferrite or austenite grain size of steel products

NF EN ISO 643-2003 Iron and steel products Determination of ferrite or austenite grain size of steel

T/CSAE 58-2017 Test method for average grain size of non-quenched and tempered steel and its products


YB/T 4290-2012 Determination method of larger grain size level (ALA grain size) on metallographic examination surface

YS/T 347-2004 Average grain size of copper and copper alloys Degree determination method

What are the advantages of BAIJIAN material testing laboratory?

1. Collectively owned testing institution with complete qualifications and scientific, fair and accurate test reports.

2. Multiple laboratory branches are located across the country, supporting door-to-door sampling/sending samples for testing.

3. The testing cycle is short, the testing cost is low, and the experimental plan is more complete.

4. For initial inspection of samples, no testing fees will be charged during the initial inspection.

5. The test report supports scanning the QR code to check the authenticity.

BAIJIAN testing process

1. Send samples. (Communicate with engineers, submit your own testing requirements and send samples to our research institute)

2. Initial inspection samples. (After receiving the sample, conduct a preliminary inspection of the sample and formulate a detailed experimental plan)

3. Quotation. (After the initial inspection, a quotation will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment)

4. Both parties confirm, sign a confidentiality agreement, and start the experiment.

5. It takes 7-15 working days to complete the experiment.

6. Mail the test report and provide post-service.

The above is the relevant introduction to grain size testing. If you have other testing needs, you can consult the laboratory engineer to help you solve it.

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