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Detailed description

Crystal defect analysis

Detection standard

  • Detection specification

Where can I go to get a complete solution for crystal defect analysis? BAIJIAN Materials Testing Institution provides crystal defect analysis services. It is a national high-tech enterprise, a third-party materials laboratory, and a CMA qualification certification agency. It is a collectively owned scientific research institution with complete laboratory instruments and scientific research. The team is strong, adhering to the concept of scientific research and dedication, and is engaged in performance testing, non-standard testing, unknown substance detection and identification, industrial problem diagnosis and testing, composition testing, failure testing, corrosion testing, etc. Test reports will be issued in 7-15 working days, supporting 2D The code system checks the authenticity, and multiple laboratory branches across the country support door-to-door sampling/sample delivery testing services nationwide.

Analysis cycle: 7-15 working days

Analysis fee: Initial inspection of samples. After the initial inspection, quotations will be made based on the customer's testing needs and the complexity of the experiment.

Crystal defect analysis scope

Metal mineral crystals, battery crystals, clay particle crystals, cesium iodide crystals, NdFeB permanent magnets, etc.

Crystal defect analysis project

Crystal defect structure analysis, crystal defect and fracture mechanics analysis, crystal internal defect analysis, crystal stress defect analysis, crystal defect TEM analysis, transmission crystal defect analysis, Crystal defect characterization analysis, crystal defect Raman analysis, etc.

The following are several crystal defect analysis methods

1. Transmission electron microscope (TEM): By observing thin slice samples of materials, crystal defects can be detected and observed at the nanometer level. For example, grain boundaries, dislocations, vacancies, and atomic packing defects can be detected.

2. X-ray diffraction (XRD): By analyzing the diffraction peaks of the crystal, the lattice structure and defects of the crystal, such as lattice distortion and grain boundaries, can be determined.

3. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR): Reveals defect information in the material by analyzing the infrared absorption spectrum of the material, such as defects between hydrogen atoms and silicon atoms.

4. Dynamic light scattering (DLS): By measuring the size and deviation of particles or particle clusters in materials, the presence or density distribution of different defect types can be determined.

5. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR): By detecting changes in the magnetic field of atomic nuclei in materials, various types of defects can be determined, such as vacancies, atomic exchanges, etc.

What does the BAIJIAN analysis report do? What problems can it help you solve?

1. Sales report. (Sales need to provide third-party testing reports to make their products more unique, let the product data speak for themselves, and make customers more confident in the quality of their products.)

2. Research and development reports. (In the process of developing new products, we encountered some difficult issues regarding ingredients.Use third-party testing data to find the cause of the problem, solve the problem in a timely manner, shorten the R&D cycle, and reduce R&D costs)

3. Improve product quality. (Discover problems with your own products through comparison of third-party testing data, improve product problems, improve quality, and reduce production costs)

4. Use of scientific research paper data.

Crystal defect analysis standard

GB/T 8756-1988 Germanium crystal defect map

GB/T 8756-2018 Germanium crystal defect map

GB/T 35316-2017 Sapphire crystal defect map

KS D 0258-2012 (2022 Testing of silicon insulators using preferential etching technology Method for crystal defects

GB/T 37051-2018 Method for determination of crystal defect density of solar-grade polycrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers

JIS H0609-1999 Detection of crystal defects in silicon using optimized etching technology Test methods

T/CPIA 0009-2019 Electroluminescence imaging method for testing defects in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules

What are the advantages of BAIJIAN Materials Testing Laboratory?

1. Collectively owned testing institutions with complete qualifications and scientific, fair and accurate test reports.

2. Multiple laboratory branches spread across the country, supporting door-to-door sampling/sending samples for testing.

3. The testing cycle is short, the testing cost is low, and the experimental plan is more complete.

4. Initial inspection samples, no testing fees will be charged during the initial inspection.

5. Test report, Support scanning QR code to check authenticity.

BAIJIAN testing process

1. Send samples. (Communicate with engineers, submit your own testing requirements and send samples to our research institute)

2. Initial inspection samples. (After receiving the samples, conduct initial inspection of the samples and formulate a detailed experimental plan)

3. Quotation. (After the initial inspection, according to the customer’s testing needs and the complexity of the experiment Quote according to the degree)

4. Both parties confirm, sign a confidentiality agreement, and start the experiment.

5. The experiment will be completed in 7-15 working days.

6. Mail the test report and provide post-service.

The above is the relevant introduction to crystal defect analysis. If you have other needs, you can consult the laboratory engineer to help you solve it.

TEL:400-101-7153       EMAIL:service@Baijiantest.com      ADD:No. 700, Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

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