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Detailed description

Green Tea Test Report

Detection standard

GB 1886.267-2016#National Food Safety Standards Food Additive Green Tea Tincture # Food Additive # Green Tea Tincture

GB/T 14456.1-2017#GB/T 14456.1-2017 Green Tea Part 1: Basic Requirements # Green Tea # All Parameters

GB/T 14456.2-2018#GB/T 14456.2-2018 Green Tea Part 2: Big Leaf Green Tea # Big Leaf Green Tea # All Parameters

GB/T 14456.3-2016#GB/T 14456.3-2016 Green Tea Part 3: Small and Medium Leaf Green Tea # Small and Medium Leaf Green Tea # Partial Parameters

GB/T 14456.4-2016#GB/T 14456.4-2016 Green Tea Part 4: Pearl Tea # Pearl Tea # Partial Parameters

GB/T 14456.5-2016#GB/T 14456.5-2016 Green Tea Part 5: Meicha # Meicha # Partial Parameters

GB/T 14456.6-2016#GB/T 14456.6-2016 Green Tea Part 6: Steam Green Tea # Steam Green Tea # Partial Parameters

GB/T 26530-2011#GB/T 26530-2011 Geographical Indication Products Laoshan Green Tea # Laoshan Green Tea # All Parameters

  • Detection specification

Detection range

Green tea extract, green tea powder, organic green tea, green tea cake, etc

Main varieties of green tea

Yingshan Yunwu Tea; West Lake Longjing; Emei Snow Sprout; Meitan Cuiya; Lanxin Que Tongue; Huiming tea; Dongting Biluochun; Zhongyue Xiancha; Sword leaf; Mabian Yunwu Tea; Rizhao Green Tea; Guzhu Purple Tea; Wuzi Xianhao; Mount Huangshan Maofeng; Lu'an Gua Pian; Xinyang Maojian; Dog brain tribute tea; Cloudy and misty bristles; Zeng Hou's Silver Sword; Dawu Green Tea; Ping Shui Zhu Tea; Baohong Tea; Shangrao's white eyebrows; Jingshan Tea; Emei bamboo leaves are green; Emei Spring Language; Han Liu's tea; Nan'an Stone Pavilion Green; Snow green in the sky; Mengding tea; Yongxi Huoqing; Cactus tea; Tianshan Green Tea; Yongchuan Xiuya; Xiuning Pineapple; Enshi Jade Dew; Duyun Maojian; Liping Que Tongue; Dove pit bristles; Guiping Xishan Tea; Lao Zhu is generous; Quangang Hui Bai; Snow water and cloud green; Meicha; Anji White Tablets; Nanjing Yuhua Tea; Jingting Green Snow; Tianzun Gongya; Tancha; Double Dragon Silver Needle; Taiping Monkey Head; Yuanming Tea; Xiazhou Bifeng; Qin Ba Wu Hao; Kaihua Longding; Lushan Clouds and Mists; Anhua pine needles; Day casting snow buds; Ziyang Haijian; Jiangshan Green Peony; Yuexi Cuilan; Gaoqiao Yinfeng; Yunfeng and Panhao; Hanshui Silver Shuttle; Yunnan Baihao; Zunyi Maofeng; Jiuhua Maofeng; Wugai Mountain Rice Tea; Jinggang is emerald green; Shaofeng; Gulao tea; Tongcheng Xiaohua; Shucheng Orchid; State Biyun; Xiaobu Rock Tea; Huading Cloud and Mist; Nanshan Baimao Bud; Tianzhu Sword Hair; Huangzhu Baihao; Magu tea; Cheyun Mountain Maojian; Guilin Maojian; Jiande Bud Tea; Ruizhou Huangbai Tea; Shuangqiao Maojian; Qintang Maojian; Donghu Yinhao; Jianghua Maojian; Dragon dance tea; Guishan Rock Green; Wuxi Haocha; Guidong Linglong Tea; Tianmu Qingding; Xinjiang down tea; Jinshui Cuifeng; Jintan Sparrow Tongue; Guzhang Maojian; Shuangjing Green; Zhou Da Tie Tea; Wen Jun's tender green; Qianfeng Snow Lotus; Lion Mouth Silver Bud; Yandang Maofeng; Jiulong tea; Emei Maofeng; Nanshan Shoumei; Xiangbo Green; Suntan; The mountains and rocks are verdant; Mengding Ganlu; Ruicao Kui; Hexi round tea; Putuo Buddha Tea; Snowy peak with sharp hair; Qingcheng Snow Sprouts; Baoding Green Tea; Longzhong tea; Songyang Silver Monkey; Longyan oblique back tea; Meilong tea; Lanxi Maofeng; Guanzhuang Maojian; Yunhai Baihao; Lotus heart tea; Jinshan Cuiya; Erui; Niudi Tea; Huafo Tea; Guiding Yunwu Tea; Tianchi Minghao; Tongtian Rock Tea; Lingyun White Tea; Steamed green fried tea; Yunlin Tea; Pan'an Yunfeng; Green Spring Ma Yu Tea; Dongbai Spring Bud; Taibai top bud; Thousand Island Jade Leaf; Qingxi Yuya; Zanlin Tea; Xianju Green; Qijingtang Green Tea; Nanyue Yunwu Tea; Daguan Cuihua Tea; Meitan Cuiya; Cuiluo; Wokeng Tea; Yuyao Waterfall Tea; Cangshan Snow Green; Chess Cloud and Mist; Huaguo Mountain Cloud Mist Tea; Narcissus velvet hook tea; Suichang Silver Monkey; Mojiang Cloud Needle; Tongcheng Xiaohua; Yingde Green Tea; Baojing Golden Tea; White Horse Hair Tip; Guanshan Cloud and Mist; Fangxian Green Tea; Shennong Green Tea

Green tea detection items

Pesticide residue detection, active ingredient detection, total ash content, tea polyphenols detection, sensory detection, antioxidant capacity detection, heavy metal detection, etc

Green Tea Detection Standard

1GB 1886.267-2016 Food Safety Standard Food Additive Green Tea Tincture

2GT 14456.1-2017 Green Tea Part 1: Basic Requirements

3GB/T 14456.2-2018 Green Tea Part 2: Big Leaf Green Tea

4GT 14456.3-2016 Green Tea Part 3: Small and Medium Leaf Green Tea

5GB/T 14456.4-2016 Green Tea Part 4: Pearl Tea

6GB/T 14456.5-2016 Green Tea Tea Part 5: Meicha

7GB/T 14456.6-2016 Green Tea Part 6: Steamed Green Tea

8GB/T 26530-2011 Geographical Indication Product Laoshan Green Tea

Function of testing report:

1. Project bidding: Issue authoritative third-party CMA/CNAS qualification report

2. Online e-commerce platform entry: Quality inspection report recognized by major e-commerce platforms

3. Used as a sales report: issuing legally effective testing reports to make consumers more confident

4. Papers and research: Provide professional personalized testing needs

5. Judicial services: providing scientific, fair, and accurate testing data

6. Industrial problem diagnosis: Verify the troubleshooting and correction of industrial production problems

100% inspection and testing process:

1. Telephone communication and confirmation of requirements

2. Recommend solutions and confirm quotations

3. Mail samples and arrange testing

4. Progress tracking and result feedback

5. Provide reports and after-sales service

6. If urgent or priority processing is required

Testing and testing characteristics:

1. The testing industry is fully covered, meeting different testing needs

2. Fully cover the laboratory and allocate localized testing nearby

3. Engineers provide one-on-one services to make testing more accurate

4. Free initial testing, with no testing fees charged

5. Self service order delivery for free on-site sampling

6. Short cycle, low cost, and attentive service

7. Possess authoritative qualifications such as CMA, CNAS, CAL, etc

8. The testing report is authoritative and effective, and is generally used in China

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