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Detection of down and feather pillows and cushions

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The difference between cashmere and wool is called wool on sheep. In the industry, it is called sheep wool. Even if sheep wool is very fine, we professionally call it wool instead of wool, and of course, it can also be called fine count wool Only cashmere from goats is called cashmere, also known as cashmere. Cashmere is a thin layer of fine wool that grows on the outer skin of goats and covers the roots of their coarse hair. It grows during the cold winter and resists wind chill. It falls off when it warms up in spring and naturally adapts to the climate. It is a rare special animal fiber 1. The scale arrangement of wool is closer and thicker than that of cashmere, and its shrinkage is greater than that of cashmere. The appearance of cashmere fiber has small and smooth scales, and there is an air layer in the middle of the fiber, making it lightweight and smooth to the touch

2. The curl of wool is smaller than that of cashmere, and the curl number, curl rate, and curl recovery rate of cashmere fibers are all higher. It is suitable for processing into knitted goods with a full, soft, and elastic feel, comfortable and natural to wear, and has good restoring properties, especially in terms of non shrinkage after washing and good shape retention. Due to the high natural curl of cashmere, it is tightly arranged and has good adhesion during spinning and weaving, resulting in good warmth retention, which is 1.5 to 2 times that of wool 3. The leather content of cashmere is higher than that of wool, and the rigidity of cashmere fibers is better than that of wool, that is, cashmere is softer than wool 4. The fineness unevenness of cashmere is smaller than that of wool, and the appearance quality of its products is better than that of wool 5. The fineness of cashmere fibers is uniform, and their density is smaller than that of wool. The cross-section is mostly regular and circular, and their products are lighter and thinner than wool products Cashmere has better moisture absorption than wool, can fully absorb dyes, and is not easy to fade. High moisture regain and relatively high resistance value

7. Wool has better acid and alkali resistance than cashmere, and less damage when exposed to oxidants and reducing agents Usually, wool products have better pilling resistance than cashmere products, but have greater felting shrinkage

Organizational Structure

Wool is a slender, solid cylinder in a curly shape. The fibrous tissue structure is divided into three layers, namely the scale layer, cortex layer, and medulla layer.

Scale layer: The scale layer is the surface layer of wool, which grows in a certain direction from the hair root to the hair tip. Each scale is connected to the cortical layer at one end of the hair root, and the other end is stretched outward, covering and connecting one by one. The coverage density of scales on wool varies greatly due to the variety of wool. The finer the wool, the more scales it has, the longer the overlapping parts it covers, and the more circular the scales are. The thicker the wool, the fewer the scales, and the shorter the overlapping length. The scales are mostly corrugated and fish like, overlapping and covering each other. Due to the outward extension and protrusion of the scale layer, increasing the frictional force between fibers can result in mutual restraint and felting effect, enhancing the adhesion force under humid and hot conditions. The scale layer can also give wool a good luster. The tough scale structure gives wool resistance to friction and pollution Cortical layer: The cortical layer is the main component of wool fibers, which is composed of many protein cells, and its constituent substances are called keratins or keratins. Cells adhere to each other and there are gaps between them. The cortical layer is the main part that determines the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of wool fibers. It is divided into two types: the positive cortex layer and the secondary cortex layer. In curly wool fibers, they can be straightened and extended by about 20% under stress, and can be restored to their original curly state after relaxation. The cells on the outer side of the curl wave are called positive cortical cells, while the cells on the inner side are called paracortical cells. The positive cortex has lower sulfur content than the secondary cortex, making it more chemically active and easy to stain. The opposite is true for the subcortical layer. In fine wool of excellent varieties, two types of cortical layer cells aggregate on both sides of the hair stem and intertwine along the fiber axis, known as bilateral isomerism

Medulla layer: The medulla layer is an opaque loose substance located in the center of wool fibers. Generally, fine wool has no medullary layer, while thicker wool has varying degrees of medullary layer. The more medulla, the flatter and rougher the appearance of wool, and the poorer its quality. Wool containing a large amount of medullary layer, which is brittle, less curly, and dry, is called dead hair. Some wool has discontinuous pith, with both fine and coarse hairs on one fiber. This type of wool is called two types of wool

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2. Fully cover the laboratory and allocate localized testing nearby

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