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Detailed description

Medical protective clothing testing

Detection standard

  • Detection specification

The key indicators of medical protective clothing testing are liquid barrier performance, mainly including indicators such as water resistance, moisture permeability, synthetic blood penetration resistance, and water level. Determination of breaking strength and elongation at break, filtration efficiency, flame retardant performance analysis, anti-static performance analysis, etc. Bain Testing can provide point-to-point testing for the above indicators, and can develop testing plans based on customer needs. Standard reference: GB19082-2009 Technical requirements for disposable medical protective clothing EN14126:2003/AC: 2004 Performance requirements and test methods for anti infection protective clothing EN1149-1:2006 Static electricity characteristics of protective clothing Part 1: Test method for surface resistivity measurement YY/T1498-2016 Guidelines for the selection and evaluation of medical protective clothing YY/T1499-2016 Liquid barrier performance and grading of medical protective clothing YY/T1632-2018 Water resistance of medical protective clothing materials: Impact Penetration testing method: Testing items for medical protective clothing: liquid barrier performance, breaking strength, breaking elongation, filtration efficiency, flame retardant performance, anti-static performance, residual amount of ethylene oxide, total number of bacterial colonies, total number of bacterial colonies, sterile skin irritation testing indicators: 1. GB19082-2009 Technical requirements for medical disposable protective clothing GB19082-2009 Technical requirements for medical disposable protective clothing Appearance, structure 20 pieces of size and specification, resistant to water permeability, moisture permeability, synthetic blood penetration, surface moisture resistance, breaking strength, elongation, filtration efficiency, flame retardant performance, anti-static performance, electrostatic attenuation performance, microbial indicators (non sterile), residue mark and instructions for use, skin irritation 2 EN14126:2003/AC: 2004 Protective clothing - Performance requirements and test methods for anti infective protective clothing - EN14126:2003/AC: 2004 Protective clothing - Performance requirements and test methods for anti infective protective clothing - Wear resistance 10 pieces, 2000 rpm tear strength band * project needs to be subcontracted. Tensile performance, flame resistance, flame resistance, seam strength, puncture resistance, synthetic blood penetration resistance. Supplier should provide information on liquid resistance, liquid repellency, resistance to blood vector pathogens, penetration resistance, flexibility, resistance to dry microorganisms, and resistance to wet microorganisms EN1149-1:2006 Electrostatic Characteristics of Protective Clothing Part 1: Test Methods for Surface Resistivity Measurement EN1149-1:2006 Electrostatic Characteristics of Protective Clothing Part 1: Test Methods for Surface Resistivity Measurement Resistivity 1 Piece

If aging cycle and cost are required, please calculate separately

The above article is a partial list. For more testing needs and details, please consult the online consultant of the free consulting agency: 152  0173  3840 (phone and WeChat), conducting testing on hundreds of inspection websites - issuing authoritative testing reports has legal effect

For more related tests, please visit the official website of Baijian: Baijian. com

Function of testing report:

1. Project bidding: Issue authoritative third-party CMA/CNAS qualification report

2. Online e-commerce platform entry: Quality inspection report recognized by major e-commerce platforms

3. Used as a sales report: issuing legally effective testing reports to make consumers more confident

4. Papers and research: Provide professional personalized testing needs

5. Judicial services: providing scientific, fair, and accurate testing data

6. Industrial problem diagnosis: Verify the troubleshooting and correction of industrial production problems

100% inspection and testing process:

1. Telephone communication and confirmation of requirements

2. Recommend solutions and confirm quotations

3. Mail samples and arrange testing

4. Progress tracking and result feedback

5. Provide reports and after-sales service

6. If urgent or priority processing is required

Testing and testing characteristics:

1. The testing industry is fully covered, meeting different testing needs

2. Fully cover the laboratory and allocate localized testing nearby

3. Engineers provide one-on-one services to make testing more accurate

4. Free initial testing, with no testing fees charged

5. Self service order delivery for free on-site sampling

6. Short cycle, low cost, and attentive service

7. Possess authoritative qualifications such as CMA, CNAS, CAL, etc

8. The testing report is authoritative and effective, and is generally used in China

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