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List of testing items and standards for welding anchor chains

Welding anchor chain testing needs to be carried out according to the specified items and methods in the standards, GB national standards, industry standards, external standards, enterprise standards, and local standards. The results of the welding anchor chain inspection sample test report will be compared with the requirements in the standard, and the product quality parameters will be reflected in the report. BAIJIAN third-party testing agency can provide welding anchor chain testing report processing, engineers provide one-to-one service, select corresponding testing standards and projects according to needs, formulate testing plans, and arrange for laboratory samples to be sent for testing. Welding anchor chain testing service

Test report: Welding anchor chain testing

Test samples: textiles, cosmetics, food, agricultural products, insulating tools, hardware, etc.

Report qualification: CNAS /CMA/CAL

Reporting cycle: Normally 3-15 working days, except for special samples and testing items.

Testing fees: Charges are based on the testing items. Please consult BAIJIAN for details.

Welding anchor chain testing items:

Testing items:

Tensile test, pull-off test, yield point, elongation rate, tensile strength, section shrinkage , size, tension, processing quality, breakage, impact, sample geometric dimensions

Welding anchor chain testing standards:

Testing standards:

1. GB/ T 549-2017 Electrically welded anchor chain GB/T 549-2017

2. GB/T549-2017 Electrically welded anchor chain

3. GB/T 549-2008 Electrically welded anchor chain


4. GB/T 229-2007 Charpy pendulum impact test method for metallic materials

5. GB/T 549-2017 Welding anchor chain

6. GB /T549-2008 Electric welding anchor chain

100 inspection report processing process:

1. Communicate with customer service through website contact information

2. After confirming the demand , recommend and formulate a plan, and then make a quotation

3. After confirming the plan and quotation, arrange for the samples to be mailed to the designated laboratory for testing

4. After the samples are sent to the laboratory, Waiting for the laboratory test results

5. After the laboratory test is completed, the corresponding report will be issued. If a paper report is required, it will be mailed

If there is a need to expedite the process, timely communication is required and Arrange expedited service

The role of the test report:

1. Project bidding: CMA/CNAS qualification report;

2. Online e-commerce platform settlement: quality Inspection reports are recognized by major e-commerce platforms;

3. Used as sales reports: issue inspection reports with legal effect to make consumers feel more at ease;

4. Papers and scientific research: Provide professional personalized testing needs;

5. Judicial services: provide scientific, fair and accurate testing data;

6. Diagnosis of industrial problems: Verify the troubleshooting and correction of problems in the industrial production process;

The relevant information on testing items and testing standards is introduced here. BAIJIAN third-party testing agency looks forward to cooperating with you. For details, please contact BAIJIAN customer service.

TEL:400-101-7153       EMAIL:service@Baijiantest.com      ADD:No. 700, Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

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